George Tait Edwards
4 min readJan 11, 2021

Q How could nearly all of the nations of the world permanently get rid of COVID-19?

Amswer This is a Second Draft. The policies and the technology to enable nearly all of the nations of the world to permanently get rid of COVID-19 exists but there appears to be a lack in many nations of the required political and medical intelligence to achieve that objective. See George Tait Edwards’s answer to What do governments and their medical advisors need to understand about COVID-19 but generally don’t?

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I do not see how that’s possible..

2 Discussion The major factors that could lead to the removal of COVID-19 are:

  • The acceptance by nearly all of the nations of the world of a simultaneous total lockdown for about six to nine months
  • The adoption of no-cost WangAnshi/Shimomuran-Wernerian Macroeconomics by nearly all of the nations of the world to finance policies of economic green sustainability during and after lockdown
  • The adoption by nearly all of the nations of the world of the Chinese policies and technology of a total draconian lockdown through no-contact temperature assessment guns, negative air pressure ambulances and hospital wards and the immediate transit of any infected person to a negative pressure ward
  • The entire procedure of the total world lockdown led by the World Health Organisation which understands the virus and by China which has the manufacturing capability to provide all the required physical goods (no-contact temperature assessment guns, negative air pressure ambulances and hospital wards, PE equipment and face masks, etc) to assist an effective draconian short lockdown
  • Some countries my stay outside this international action.

All of these five factors are discussed at sections 2.1 to 2,5 below.

2.1 The acceptance by nearly all of the nations of the world of a simultaneous total lockdown for about six to nine months

The world population is about 7.8 billion people. If the observed Diamond Princess figures of “82% immune, 18% infected and 3.75% infected die” are applied, then the final world figures based on current policies become 6.4 bn. people immune, 1.4 bn. Infected and about 52m dead. This compares with the 29Ovtober 2029 position of 40m infected and 1.1m dead.

At the current infection rate of 5m. a month it would take 1400/5 or a theoretical 280 months for the contagion to complete. But the virus is still in its early stages in most nations and world monthly infections are likely to increase to about 50 million a month.

A simultaneous lock down might only last for six to nine months and would reduce infections and deaths on an enormous scale. See George Tait Edwards’s answer to If the USA and the UK had adopted the draconian Chinese anti-COVID 19 policies, what would their infection and death rates have become?

2.2 The adoption of no-cost WangAnshi/Shimomuran-Wernerian Macroeconomics by nearly all of the nations of the world to finance policies of economic green sustainability during and after lockdown.

The current Western policies of Washington-Consensus/Austerity cannot fund company and cultural survival during a 9-month lockdown, because these costs are too high to be “affordable” within an Austerity programme.

2.3 The adoption by nearly all of the nations of the world of the Chinese policies and technology of a total draconian lockdown through no-contact temperature assessment guns, negative air pressure ambulances and hospital wards and the immediate transit of any infected person to a negative pressure ward

These draconian Chinese procedures work well, and nothing else is as effective.

2.4 The entire procedure of the total world lockdown led by the World Health Organisation which understands the virus and by China which has the manufacturing capability to provide all the required physical goods (no-contact temperature assessment guns, negative air pressure ambulances and hospital wards, PE equipment and face masks, etc) to assist an effective draconian short lockdown

Only the WHO has the understanding, and only China has the manufacturing capability to produce the essential kit.

2.5 Some countries may stay outside this international action.

They would turn into international pariahs, major sources of COVID-19 infections, low-growth economies shunned by the rest of the world.

3 Conclusions

3.1 Only the concerted and the complete acceptance of the Chinese procedure of total lockdown works.

But telling truth to power doesn’t often work either, as I know.

3.2 Only no-cost WangAnshi/Shimomuran-Wernerian Macroeconomics can provide the no-cost funds to endure the survival of SMEs, manufacturing industry and major social facilities during this lockdown. No lesser economic policy works.

This is a second draft. More later.

George Tait Edwards
George Tait Edwards

Written by George Tait Edwards

The major part of my 50-year research has been into the methods of high economic growth in FDR's USA (1938-44), in Japan 1945-75, and in China 1975-now.

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